This blog post is to give you the do’s and dont’s when creating Facebook Content.
There is another post on how to promote the advert on Facebook and Optimise for maximum results for your budget.
Questions to Ask When Creating Facebook Micro-Content
- Is the text too long?
- Is it provocative, entertaining, or surprising?
- Is the photo striking and high-quality?
- Is the logo visible?
- Have we chosen the right format for the post?
- Is the call to action in the right place?
- Is this interesting in any way, to anyone? For real?
- Are we asking too much of the person consuming the content?
Structure your ads
Break down your ads into a structure to maximise effectiveness. Show emotional benefit, features and rational social proof.
Test different images
Run the same ad with different images to see what works. This can save you advertising costs per action and per click.
Test different locations
Run the same ad for different locations to see what works. Then double down on what works. Scrap what doesn’t.
- It’s not visually compelling.
- It’s burdened with too much text.
- It’s a link post when it should have been a picture post.
- Native social media tries to enhance the consumer’s interaction with a platform, not distract him from it
- Instagram is not built for long amounts of text, its native platform is highly visual

Content Ideas
#sometimesyouhaveto. You can’t get a better lead-in for a right hook. Literally anyone could adapt
it to his or her needs:
A cheese shop could say, “#Sometimesyouhaveto eat a slice of Cabot clothbound
A fitness club could say, “#Sometimesyouhaveto use the sauna as incentive.”
A lawyer could say, “#Sometimesyouhaveto call a lawyer to make your problem go away.”
If you could do one thing today, what would it be?
“Get ’em here.” (for right hooks)
Tag a mate who…
Tag your NRL match photo…
Top 3 x … will get a free… x
Remember, it’s “Give, give, give, give, give . . . ask,” not, “Give, give, give, give, give . . . demand!”
There’s a skill to choosing hashtags. You can’t just cover all your bases by tacking a bunch of hashtags onto a sentence.
Instagram Tips
- Go crazy with your hashtags
On Instagram, hashtags are the whole darn cupcake. You can’t overuse them. Putting out five, six, or even ten hashtags in a row per post isn’t a bad way to communicate. And if you don’t want hashtags to clutter your post copy, no problem. Put your hashtags in a comment on your photo and it accomplishes the same thing. Hashtags are the doorways through which people will discover your brand; without them, you’re doomed to invisibility.
Questions to Ask About Your Instagram Content
- Is my image artsy and indie enough for the Instagram crowd?
- Have I included enough descriptive hashtags?
- Are my stories appealing to the young generation?
Most of the content on the blog post came from the brilliant Gary Vaynerchucks book Jab Jab Right Hook. Check it out!